- Smallburrow
- {Буквально – "маленькая нора".} Значащая хоббитская фамилия, её следует перевести по смыслу.
Guide to the names in The Lord of the Rings. Перевод выполнен Д.Туганбаевым и М.Скуратовской.
Guide to the names in The Lord of the Rings. Перевод выполнен Д.Туганбаевым и М.Скуратовской.
Robin Smallburrow — see Robin Cock robin Smallburrow … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Robin 'Cock-robin' Smallburrow — / Robin Smallburrow A Shirriff of the Shire. A Hobbit from Hobbiton in the heart of the Shire, who put himself forward as a Shirriff six years before the War of the Ring began. He became caught up in the events of that War, and was pressed … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
List of Hobbits — In J. R. R. Tolkien s legendarium, Hobbits are a fictional race related to Men. They first appear in The Hobbit and play an important role in The Lord of the Rings. This is a list of hobbits that are mentioned by name in Tolkien s works. They are … Wikipedia
List of hobbit families — Middle earth portal Hobbits are a fictional race in J. R. R. Tolkien s Middle earth books. They first appear in The Hobbit and play an important role in the book The Lord of the Rings. This is an alphabetical list of hobbit families that are… … Wikipedia
Cock-robin — A nickname for Robin Smallburrow, one the Shire s band of Shirriffs. Sam Gamgee used it when he encountered his old friend Robin and troop of Shirriffs after returning from the southern lands … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Robin Gardner — A son of Samwise Gamgee and Rose Cotton; perhaps named for his father s old friend, Robin Smallburrow … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary